June 24, 2010

i heart faces ~ pets

Introducing our cat Bean.  I am drawn to this image because it is soft and sweet and I dig the back light.  My daughter is constantly pursuing our cat and is constantly unsuccessful at catching her.  My son was dear enough one day to catch Bean for her and hold her gently so my daughter could actually pet her..... or pull her whiskers.  Not quite sure about which one :)

Please stop by iheartfaces by clicking the above button to view lots of pets.

June 13, 2010

i heart faces ~ babies

Oh my, this one was tough.  Because I so love babies and I so love my babies . I am afraid I do not have an impartial eye for this challenge.  They all were precious and perfect to me.  Perhaps I was suffering from nastalgiaitis. Anyway, I stared at them for a long while before narrowing it down to this one.  My sweet baby girl.  So peaceful in baby dreamland snuggled on Daddy's chest.  

Stop by iheartfaces by clicking the above button to view more wonderful baby pics.

June 6, 2010

i heart faces ~ play

Playing in the sand.  My son played forever digging that hole and making that pile.  My daughter played forever in that hole.

Click the above iheartfaces button to see lots of play