March 7, 2010

I heart faces ~ Jump For Joy

This week the theme at i heart faces is jump for joy.  I have to admit this is my first attempt at trying to capture a "jump".  I tried to get my son to jump in the family room, off the stairs and outside.  But he seemed bored with  no facial expressions.  When I finally decided to try for the bed shot I was sceptical because I knew it would be a popular subject and probably overdone...but he was so excited.  I love his charged, happy little face here.

Go to to see more JUMPS captured!


  1. Fun! My little guy loves to jump on the bed too!!

  2. I bet he loved that you were actually telling him it was OKAY to jump on the bed! Great shot!

  3. Aww, how fun!! :)
    Thanks for the blog love, btw :)

  4. So sweet :D Don't kids just love to do the things they are NOT supposed to :D!!

  5. Cute shot!
    Hey...I like the quilt!

  6. Love this shot!
    and thanks!
    where did you grow up at?

  7. His enthusiasm is so obvious! After hearing the struggles you had with other settings, I applaud your dedication and finding that scene that would work for him. Great job!
