May 15, 2010

i heart faces ~ faces & flowers

Ok, I know... a little outside the box. But for some reason I am in low supply of flower photos. Note to self *find flower field or plant garden. 

One day, I  got my table cloth out to iron it.  I then put it on the floor for the job at hand because it was so large.  Well, here she comes.  My little P.  She would not leave the thing alone.  You would have thought it had candy hiding in it. She was laughing, rolling on it, trying to run away with it.  Very frustrating for me as you might imagine.  Then I saw it.  Her shirt matched the little gold flower on my table cloth and she was just grinning from ear to ear.  So, I ran, grabbed my camera (never too far away) and took the shot. 

Check out all the other wonderful flower images at Just click the above button.


  1. How I love this shot!! Makes me smile big. :)

  2. Great capture! I love the colors too!

  3. I agree, the colors are great, and she's so cute!

  4. What fun flowers! I'm in love with the colors!

  5. This is so cute! And I love that fabric!

  6. Great photo and that table cloth is amazing! Where did you find it!?

  7. Here grin just makes you smile. What a great shot!

  8. Love the colors and her smile! I love how the tablecloth matches her outfit.

  9. First of all, what an awesome tablecloth! And the way your daughter coordinated with it...happy accidents are the best, aren't they! Love the glee on her face.

  10. Very cool! Funky background!!
